How Industry Association Logos Build Credibility with Website Visitors

Image of Scott Baradell
Scott Baradell
Published: Aug 29, 2023
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2023

You’ve heard the expression that no one was ever fired for going with IBM. That company is one of many 800-pound gorillas whose brands, longevity and reputations precede them. These factors alone make selecting one of IBM’s products or services a safer bet — even if a smaller company’s technology is easier to use or more cost-effective. 

Building trust can be a challenge for smaller, newer companies. Many haven't had the chance to earn a reputation or a portfolio of big-name customers. That does not, however, mean their technologies, products and services aren’t every bit as good as those from the big names—sometimes better.  

Regardless of how good your offerings are, the fact remains that for a smaller company to make inroads into a crowded market, it has to somehow become known and trusted in one or more industries. One way to do that is to join professional industry organizations and prominently display these associations’ logos or trustmarks on your website. 

Consider that:

Which association logos you choose to display depends on the industry your company is in, as well as the industries of your target customers. For example, let’s say you’re a newcomer in the enterprise software space and you’ve built a field service software system for customers in multi-site facilities management, HVAC and commercial food.  

The review site G2 lists nearly 500 vendors in field service software, including many well-established players. To build credibility in your niche, you might consider joining the following associations and displaying their logos prominently on your website: 


These are associations in each of your new company's customer niches: multi-site facilities, HVAC and commercial food.

Whether you’re just starting out or trying to gain a stronger foothold against industry giants, being part of associations that are well-respected by your buyers can carry a lot of weight. Displaying these logos lets you borrow the authority of groups your customers know and respect, conveying that same authority on your brand.

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